Because sreekar writes “how-to” books— explicitly written to be practical— which bring the books’ concepts to life. Here are my recommendations :
Option #1: Get Started
If you feel like you've got a good grasp of the concepts mentioned in the book, start putting it into action today.
Option #2: Go Deeper
If you love the concepts in this book, but you're the type of person who likes to see step-by-step video instructions, then you might want to register for his parenting workshop, which goes into much more detail than we could ever possibly cover in a written book.
Option #3: One-on-One Consultation
Work directly with sreekar on a regular basis on your specific requirement.
Whichever option is right for you, the most important thing is to start. Take action now, while this is on your mind and you're thinking about it. You're armed with everything you need to take the next step. The only question is: Are you ready?
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